- Jade ThirdEye
Jade ThirdEye
https://f.hubspotusercontent20.net/hubfs/533526/Lancom2020/Images%20-%20Logos/Jade%20ThirdEye%20logo.jfifAngular and AWS Migration for Jade ThirdEye
About Jade ThirdEye
Jade ThirdEye automates anti-money laundering (AML) compliance and makes it simple for companies at risk of financial crime to meet their legal obligations. Customers include the risk and compliance teams within financial institutions, credit unions, money transfer companies, insurance providers and gambling operators.
The challenge
Silverlight support discontinued
With a user interface (UI) and frontend built using Microsoft Silverlight, a soon to be discontinued development platform at the time, Jade ThirdEye needed to urgently replace its UI with a new, state of the art frontend. In so doing, the company sought an enduring platform built with AWS technologies which it had already come to depend on.
Ageing technology
The Jade ThirdEye product was first written over 10 years ago and Silverlight was central to this product. With rapid customer growth in the last few years, Jade ThirdEye needed to urgently upgrade from MS Silverlight. And as Jade ThirdEye developers were wholly focused on new product functionality, they were seeking a partner experienced in their preferred new UI (Angular) to speed up the transition process and allow them to still deliver on required product functionality. The Jade ThirdEye product was already successfully hosted on AWS EC2, and had a dependency on the Windows operating system.
Modern SaaS architecture
As Jade ThirdEye continued to extend its SaaS platform, they recognised the limitations of the ageing Silverlight UI.
The solution
Silverlight frontend review
Our team reviewed what would be required to move from a Silverlight UI to Angular. We evaluated the existing Silverlight code base and produced a report that included a transition plan and requirements to speed up the move to Angular. In recommending the migration to Angular, Lancom additionally suggested leveraging Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) and Amazon CloudFront to serverlessly host the front-end, removing dependency on a virtual machine and eliminating maintenance and patching costs.
Why Angular
Angular is an open-source web application development framework, maintained by Google and a large community of developers. It addresses many of the issues faced during the development of single-page applications and offers expanded features like routing, dependency injection, animations, and more. Dependencies are handled efficiently, and massive parallel development is made possible. In a nutshell, Angular offers speed, performance and improved productivity. Amazon S3 offers cloud object storage with industry-leading scalability, data availability, security, and performance, while the Amazon CloudFront content delivery network offers a globally distributed network of proxy servers offers secure and rapid access for customers downloading content.
The results
Augmenting the home team
Our team of Angular developers worked with the Jade Third Eye team. We did this by stepping in and working as part of the Jade sprint team. Providing a professional and productive addition to the team.
Complete re-work of the user experience
The migration from Silverlight to Angular was a huge effort. It required a complete re-work of the user experience and was the main project for the combined Jade Third Eye team for the year. Backed with proven AWS technologies including S3 and CloudFront, the result is an AML platform that is more intuitive, easier to use, and fast and reliable.
Faster, cleaner and better looking
The new frontend is faster, cleaner and more intuitive for modern software users. It takes fewer clicks for users to access the information they need and it’s also simpler to find and access related information. The AWS technologies contribute to rapid, reliable access, providing a lasting platform on which Jade can depend.
Ready to become SaaS native
Whilst the core focus for the Jade ThirdEye team has been moving away from a defunct Silverlight, the team now has a product that is aligned with their evolving SaaS and Jade ThirdEye product strategy. The move to Angular and AWS now makes it much simpler to re-architect the platform’s components and leverage the latest AWS cloud services including databases, containers and CI/CD pipelines.
Services used
Software Development
Bespoke Development
Amazon Web Services
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